This tree is full of medicinal properties, everything from its fruit to its leaves is useful, it provides miraculous benefits

This tree is full of medicinal properties, everything from its fruit to its leaves is useful, it provides miraculous benefits

Haldwani. Do you know the right way to eat guava? If not, then let us tell you how to eat it. A good way to eat this fruit is to roast it on fire. Yes, this is because when you eat guava after roasting it, some of its properties increase. For example, some of its antioxidants increase which increase the immunity of the body and help protect you from many problems. By eating it after roasting, a disease like cold will be cured in 3-4 days.

Former Ayurvedic officer Dr. Ashutosh Pant said that guava trees are very beneficial for health. Its fruits, leaves, bark, roots all contain nutrients, which makes this fruit very beneficial.

Beneficial in bloating

The problem of bloating troubles women and small children the most. In such a situation, eating roasted guava can be beneficial for your stomach in many ways. Actually, the extract extracted from it reduces the acidic pH in the stomach, which reduces the problem of bloating. Along with this, the pain caused by flatulence in children also starts reducing.

Dr. Pant told that if you boil guava leaves in water on an empty stomach in the morning and drink this water, then it gives amazing health benefits. Guava leaves have many medicinal properties. They are rich in many vitamins, minerals, micro and macronutrients. Apart from this, they also contain compounds called bioactives. Along with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, they are also an excellent source of protein, vitamin C, gallic acid and phenolic compounds.

Benefits of eating guava leaves on an empty stomach in the morning

Dr Pant said that chewing guava leaves on an empty stomach in the morning improves digestion. Guava leaves prove to be very beneficial for increasing digestive power. Also, this remedy is very beneficial for weight loss, low cholesterol level, sugar control and glowing skin. Drinking this water by boiling guava leaves burns calories. Also, this water absorbs nutrients, which boosts your metabolism. It improves the flow of oxygen in the body. Its leaves also remove anemia.

Tags: health benefits, hindi news, Local18

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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