Torture on eyes..! Are you doing this to yourself, know from the doctor how much distance should be maintained between mobile and eyes?

Torture on eyes..! Are you doing this to yourself, know from the doctor how much distance should be maintained between mobile and eyes?

Keep Distance Between Mobile And Eyes: Almost every second user is using a smartphone continuously. This is the reason why the number of smartphone users in the world is in billions, which is continuously increasing. It has become more dangerous than a necessity for people. But, due to lack of information, people are torturing their eyes by sticking to the mobile for hours continuously. Ignoring it for a long time can also increase the risk of eyestrain and myopia to the user. In such a situation, experts advise to use mobile in a limited and appropriate distance. Now the question is how is continuous use of mobile dangerous for eyes? How far should we keep mobile from eyes while using it? About these questions AnyTV Giving information to Government Medical College Kannauj Ophthalmologist and head of department Dr. Alok Ranjan-

Dr. Alok Ranjan It is said that continuous use of smartphone has a bad effect on the eyes. Despite knowing this, people remain glued to their mobile phones for hours. Users fulfill all their desires from playing games to watching movies on their smartphones without caring about their health. Actually, the light emitted from the mobile phone can be dangerous for the eyes and retina. Because it is not blocked by the cornea and lens, it is fatal. In this situation, many problems like fatigue, itching and dryness in the eyes, blurred vision and headache can occur.

How far should we keep our mobile phone from our eyes?

According to experts, most users keep their smartphone at a distance of about 8 inches from their face. Doing this can be fatal for the eyes. Because, the closer you keep your mobile phone, the more damage it will cause to your eyes. In such a situation, try to keep your mobile at least 12 inches or 30 centimeters away from your face.

Blink your eyelids intermittently

It is very important to blink your eyes every once in a while while using the smartphone continuously. Blinking from time to time will keep the eyes moist, which will prevent dryness and irritation. Apart from this, blinking will help your eyes to focus again. In such a situation, try to blink your eyes about 10-12 times in 15 minutes.

This formula will give relief to the eyes

While using mobile, follow the 20-20-20 formula. This means that, every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds, look at an object 20 feet away from your screen. Doing this will give relief to your eyes. Also, concentration will increase. At the same time, keep adjusting the brightness of the mobile. Keep in mind that the brightness of your screen should be equal to the light where you are. This does not have a negative effect on the eyes.

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Tags: health benefits, health tips, Lifestyle

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