Two natural things and your hair will grow till your waist, you will also get rid of hair fall problem – AnyTV News

Two natural things and your hair will grow till your waist, you will also get rid of hair fall problem - India TV Hindi

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Home remedies for long hair

The length of hair can increase your beauty manifold. If you also think that using chemical based expensive shampoos or oils can make your hair longer, then today we will clear this misconception of yours. If you apply natural things on your hair, then you can improve your hair health to a great extent in a chemical free way. Let us know about one such home remedy.

Grandma’s recipe

Sesame oil and fenugreek are considered very beneficial since the time of our grandmothers. The elements found in sesame oil and fenugreek can prove to be effective in nourishing your hair. First of all, you have to roast the fenugreek seeds and grind them well. Now you have to mix this powder of fenugreek seeds in sesame oil and make a paste.

How to apply?

Apply this paste thoroughly from the roots to the ends of your hair. You can also massage for a while to get better results. Now after half an hour you can wash your hair. Use this paste made of fenugreek seeds and sesame oil twice a week and see the positive results yourself within a month.

You will get only benefits

With the help of this home remedy of grandmothers, your hair health can get many benefits. Applying this paste will not only have a positive effect on your hair growth but your hair will also start shining. With the help of this paste, your hair will also get nourishment and strength. This home remedy can also be used to get rid of hair fall problem.

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