Typhoid Diet: What to eat and what not to eat during typhoid fever? 90% people are confused, understand the diet chart from a dietitian

Typhoid Diet: What to eat and what not to eat during typhoid fever? 90% people are confused, understand the diet chart from a dietitian


Typhoid fever is a type of bacterial infection, which is caused by a bacteria called typhoid Salmonella Typhi. In the beginning, it can cause sweating, chills, headache, body ache, stomach ache and dry cough due to gastrointestinal problems. But, if proper attention is paid to diet, then recovering from typhoid can be easy. Now the question is what should be eaten and what should not be eaten in typhoid fever. Shraddha Srivastava, Clinical Dietician of Family Diet Clinic Lucknow, is telling AnyTV about this – (Image- Canva)

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