Viral infection is spreading rapidly in rainy season, 1-2 people in every house are suffering from cold and cough..! Know the cause and prevention from the doctor

Viral infection is spreading rapidly in rainy season, 1-2 people in every house are suffering from cold and cough..! Know the cause and prevention from the doctor

Cold and Fever: As soon as the rainy season begins, the havoc of viral infection begins. This is the reason why the number of people suffering from cold and fever starts increasing rapidly. The big thing is that if a person gets a cold or flu, then the healthy people around him also fall prey to this disease. If it is not treated in time, then sometimes the situation can become serious. In such a situation, self-protection is very important. Now the question is how to avoid fever caused by viral infection? Dhanvantari Clinic Noida’s (Integrated Doctor) is giving information about this to AnyTV. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Varshney-

What do experts say about the disease?

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Varshney explains that, the weather changes rapidly during the rainy season. This causes viral or bacterial infection to spread rapidly. This directly affects our immunity. In this situation, many people fall prey to cold and fever. People get cold, cough, sore throat and fever due to viral infection. If you are suffering from viral infection, it will get cured automatically in 2-10 days. But, in case of bacterial infection, if there is high fever, severe throat problem, fatigue, then you should contact the doctor.

Doctor’s advice, protection from mosquitoes is necessary

According to the doctor, there is an abundance of mosquitoes during the rainy season. This can also increase the risk of malaria, dengue and chikungunya. In such a situation, it is very important to protect yourself from them. For this, wear full-sleeved clothes. Apply mosquito repellent cream or oil and sleep under a mosquito net at night. Apart from this, do not let water accumulate around the house. Consult a doctor as soon as symptoms are detected.

How to prevent cold and cough?

  • If you have a viral infection, drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Add salt to lukewarm water and gargle and also keep drinking hot water.
  • Take special care of your food and drink and avoid eating outside.
  • Use ginger to strengthen immunity during rainy season.
  • To avoid viral infection, exercise and walk for some time every day.
  • Keep distance from the infected person. Use sanitizer and follow social distancing.

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Tags: health news, health tips, Lifestyle, viral fever

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