Vistara brings VRS before merger with Air India, employees can apply till this date – AnyTV News

Vistara brings VRS before merger with Air India, employees can apply till this date - India TV Hindi

Photo:PTI Vistara

Vistara Vistara has offered voluntary retirement as well as voluntary separation schemes to employees involved in non-flying functions before its merger with Air India. Officials gave this information. Vistara is a joint venture between Tata and Singapore Airlines. It has more than 6,500 employees, including permanent and contractual. Officials said that Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) and Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS) have been offered to permanent employees involved in non-flying functions. Eligible employees can apply for these schemes till August 23.

This scheme is similar to Air India

The VRS is for those who have completed five years of service with the airline, while the VSS is for employees who have not yet completed five years of service with the airline. These schemes are similar to the schemes introduced by Tata Group-owned Air India earlier this month. These schemes will not apply to pilots, crew members and those who hold a license to discharge their duties. There was no official comment on these schemes from Vistara.

Vistara was started in 2015

The airline started flying in 2015. Earlier this month, sources said Air India has introduced Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for permanent employees with at least five years of service in roles other than flying. Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS) has been introduced for employees working for less than five years.

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