Weight loss is guaranteed without gym, just know the right way to walk, if you walk in these 4 ways then every health problem will become easy

Weight loss is guaranteed without gym, just know the right way to walk, if you walk in these 4 ways then every health problem will become easy

How to walk with more effective : Whenever it comes to losing weight, the doctor will tell you to walk or do brisk exercise. Brisk exercise includes swimming, cycling, jumping etc. as well as walking. Walking is the best way to lose weight. But thousands of people walk and still their weight does not reduce. You may also have this complaint. But you will be surprised to know that most people do not know the right way to walk to lose weight. If you really want to lose weight, use only these 4 methods suggested by the doctor. Then see how miracles happen in a few months.

The right way to walk

1. Speed ​​walking-In a report by Huffington Post, Taylor Moldoff, physical therapist at New York Special Surgery Hospital, said that every person should exercise for 150 to 300 minutes a week. It has countless benefits. If you calculate, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day is enough. But if walking is not done properly, then it will be of no use. He said that in this half an hour your goal should be to complete 5 thousand to 10 thousand steps. That is, if you do not walk at a fast pace, then it will be of no use. Fast pace means that your walking speed should be 5 to 6 kilometers per hour and during this time your heartbeat should be 100 beats per minute. If you walk according to this, then your weight will definitely decrease.

2. Interval Jogging-Interval jogging means walking or jogging combined with fast speed. It can be understood in a simple way. If you cannot walk at a very fast pace, then start at a slow pace. Walk at a slow pace or your normal pace for one minute, then walk at a fast pace or run for 30 seconds, then walk at a normal pace for one minute. Gradually take the 30 seconds to 1 minute. That is, 1 minute of fast walk, then one minute of normal walk.

3. Walk at height-For people who live in hilly areas, this walk is normal, but for people who live in plain areas, it is better to find a place with higher altitude or choose a park in which the walking platform is gradually raised. That is, if you walk uphill, its benefits will be many times more. If you are running on a treadmill in the gym, then incline the treadmill and then run.

4. Strength training with walking-If you do strength training along with walking, then its benefits will increase manifold. Strength training means exercises like squats, pushups, lifting weights etc. For example, first walk for some time and then do pushups for some time in the same sequence. Then walk and bend your knees and make a posture of sitting on a chair and walk for some distance in the same way. Or lift your knees up to the stomach and walk in the same sequence. If you walk with some weight on your shoulder or in your hand, then this walk will also be beneficial.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle, weight loss

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