What is the right age to feed honey to children, how many spoons should be fed in a day – AnyTV News

What is the right age to feed honey to children, how many spoons should be fed in a day - India TV Hindi

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The right age to feed honey to a child

The food and drink you feed your child during childhood has a clear effect on his health. Children who eat healthy food also remain healthy to a great extent. That is why it is said that children should be fed healthy food from the beginning. This helps in the physical and mental development of the child. Honey should be included in the diet of small children. This also keeps many problems away. However, honey should be fed to the child at the right age. You should know what is the right age to feed honey to children for the first time? How much honey should be fed to the child in a day and what are the benefits of this for the child?

At what age should we feed honey to our children?

In some places, honey is fed to the child as soon as it is born. But doctors say that honey should be fed to the child only after 1 year. Feeding honey to a child younger than this can lead to many types of infections. In which the risk of Clostridium infection is the highest.

How much honey should be fed to a child in a day?

When feeding honey to the child, check thoroughly whether the honey is pure or not. In the beginning, the child should not be fed more than 1 spoon of honey. This will let you know whether the child is having any kind of allergy to honey or not. Gradually, you can increase the amount of honey to 2 spoons. Feeding honey helps in the development of children.

Children will get these benefits by feeding honey

  1. Eating honey strengthens the immunity of children. Honey is rich in antioxidants which strengthen immunity.
  2. Antibacterial and anti-fungal properties are found in honey which improves digestion in children and removes the problem of constipation. Honey is beneficial in diarrhea and constipation.
  3. Honey can be given to children if they have cold and cough. This provides relief from cold and cough. If the child has cough, you can feed him one spoon of honey in the morning and evening. If you want, you can also give honey and ginger juice to him.
  4. Honey can also be given to children in case of upset stomach or ulcers. The properties found in honey reduce ulcers. This improves oral health.
  5. Eating honey is also considered beneficial for the heart. Blood pressure can also be controlled with this. Honey can also be given to children to keep their hearts healthy.

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