Which is more beneficial, to eat almonds soaked in water overnight or without soaking, know the right way to eat it

Which is more beneficial, to eat almonds soaked in water overnight or without soaking, know the right way to eat it

Soaked Almonds: As we all know, almonds are rich in fiber, protein, vitamin E and magnesium. Eating almonds daily is very beneficial for our health, there is nothing to worry about. But one question that arises again and again in the mind is which way of eating almonds is more healthy, eating them soaked in water or without soaking? Almonds are a dry fruit and most dry fruits are hot in nature. Almonds are also very hot. Therefore, to cool its nature and bring balance, it is advised to eat it after soaking it. Apart from this, there are many other reasons related to health, due to which health experts suggest soaking almonds in water overnight and peeling them in the morning. Let us know what are the benefits of eating soaked almonds.

1. Almond peel contains tannin

First of all, the brown peel of almonds, which sticks to the almonds like skin, contains an element called tannin. This creates problems in the digestion of almonds. Due to tannin, the body is unable to get all the benefits of almonds because it hinders the release of enzymes by almonds. Therefore, even after eating almonds, the body is unable to get all its benefits.

2. Soaking makes the texture smooth

Soaking almonds in water makes it easier to peel them and by eating almonds with a smooth texture, you get all its nutrients. Due to its smooth texture, it can be given to small children to eat. Unsoaked almonds can harm children.

3. Helps in reducing fat

Eating peeled almonds also helps in reducing the fat accumulated in the body. Because peeled almonds release an enzyme called lipase, which prevents fat from accumulating in the body.

4. Beneficial in controlling weight

Peeled almonds are also very beneficial in reducing weight. Because the enzymes and carbs released from it keep the stomach full for a long time. In this way, you avoid eating extra calories and gradually start moving from weight control to weight loss.

Disclaimer: General information is provided to you here. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.

Tags: health, Lifestyle

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