Why is the Nipah virus outbreak only in Kerala, where did the devastation occur earlier in India?

Why is the Nipah virus outbreak only in Kerala, where did the devastation occur earlier in India?

New Delhi. A teenager has died in Kerala due to Nipah virus infection. The Kerala government itself has confirmed this. After the news of death from Nipah, the state as well as the central government has become alert and vigilant. The Health Department of the Center has confirmed the Nipah virus in Kerala’s Mallapuram district and advised immediate public measures to prevent Nipah virus infection. In view of the seriousness of the matter, the Center is also sending a team of experts to Kerala, so that the situation can be assessed and arrangements can be made to deal with the deadly infection. A 14-year-old boy from Mallapuram showed symptoms of AES and has been referred to a higher health center in Kozhikode. However, the teenager could not be saved. Later the sample was sent to NIV (Pune) for examination. NIV has confirmed the infection of Nipah virus. Now the question arises that why is the effect of Nipah virus being seen more in Kerala in recent years?

Before knowing the answer to why the Nipah virus is spreading more in Kerala, it is more important to know how the infection spreads from this virus? Actually, the Nipah virus spreads from animals to humans. Fruit-eating bats and pigs or animals like this are most suitable for this virus. The first case of this infection was reported in Kampung Sungai Nipah, Malaysia. Since then it has come to be known as the Nipah virus. The first case of Nipah virus infection was reported in the year 1998. Let us tell you that there is a risk of death in 40 to 75 percent of the infected person.

Symptoms of Nipah Virus Infection

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • vomit
  • muscle pain and severe weakness

Nipah infection has spread in West Bengal as well
In India, the first infection of Nipah virus spread in West Bengal. The second case of Nipah virus outbreak was also reported in West Bengal. The third such case was reported in Kerala. Infection of Nipah virus spread twice in West Bengal in the years 2001 and 2007. After this, the first case of Nipah infection was reported in Kerala in May 2018. For the last few years, cases of Nipah infection are being reported continuously in Kerala.

Another epidemic is sneaking into the country! First death due to Nipah virus in Kerala

Symptoms start appearing in 14 days
Usually, symptoms start appearing within four to 14 days of coming in contact with the Nipah virus. First, fever or headache and later problems like cough and difficulty in breathing start appearing. Awareness campaigns are also run by the health department regarding this.

Tags: health news, National News, nipahvirus

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