Without taking Pakistan’s name in the UN, India gave a tough fight, did it on the issue of spreading terrorism – India TV Hindi

Without taking Pakistan's name in the UN, India gave a tough fight, did it on the issue of spreading terrorism - India TV Hindi

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United Nations (File)

United Nations: India has once again slammed Pakistan in the United Nations. India lashed out at Pakistan on the issue of spreading terrorism in India and other countries of the world. However, Pakistan’s name was not taken during this time. Indirectly targeting Pakistan, India has said that some countries are using terrorism as a tool of government policy. India also said that double standards should be avoided in the fight against terrorism. Deputy Permanent Representative and Charge d’Affaires R Ravindra in India’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations said, “You will agree that when we talk about international peace and security, terrorism is one of the most serious threats.”

He said, “Therefore, we should avoid double standards in the fight against terrorism.” Ravindra said this while presenting his views on the topic ‘Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organizations in maintaining international peace and security: Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)’ in the United Nations Security Council on Friday. Indirectly referring to Pakistan, he said that some countries are using terrorism as a tool of government policy. He said, “Such an approach is likely to affect cooperation in multilateral forums including the SCO.”

UN orders should be properly implemented to crack down on terrorism

Pakistan is a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. Ravindra emphasised that the international community must reaffirm its resolve to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and “we must take strong action against all forms of support to terrorism, including its financing”. He stressed the need for full implementation of UN Security Council resolutions and sanctions imposed on individuals and entities listed as terrorists to effectively combat terrorism. He said the SCO leaders had agreed in the Astana Declaration adopted earlier this month that the international community must isolate and expose countries that provide sanctuary to terrorists and promote terrorism.

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Ravindra said that similarly, “we should also take active steps to prevent the spread of radicalism among our youth.” He said that the joint statement issued on the subject of radicalism during India’s chairmanship of the SCO in 2023 reflects Delhi’s shared commitment in the fight against radicalism. Ravindra stressed that India gives high priority to strengthening trust in the security sector within the SCO as well as strengthening relations with SCO partners on the basis of “equality, respect and mutual understanding”. He said that in the backdrop of increasing regional conflicts with new and complex security challenges, the SCO-Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) is playing an important role in strengthening cooperation among member countries.

Separatism and extremism are also dangerous along with terror

Pravindra said, “We need to further strengthen the role of SCO-RATS in the fight against the three evils of terrorism, separatism and extremism.” He said that India has also consistently advocated respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity for connectivity and infrastructure projects. (Language)

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