Yoga is not magic! High power glasses will be removed without medicine and operation

Yoga is not magic! High power glasses will be removed without medicine and operation

Godda. In this modern era, where on one hand about 80% people in India have to wear glasses due to eye problems, there are many people in Godda who have reduced the power of their eyes without any medicine or operation. They have removed the glasses from their eyes. You can do many regular sadhnas to reduce the power of your eyes. Due to which your eyesight will increase rapidly. You will never face any eye problems. 65-year-old Vijay Kumar Singh and 28-year-old Sachin Kumar Mandal of Godda have completely reduced the power of their glasses with this yoga.

This yoga has given a lot of benefits
Godda’s yoga guru Satish Kumar Sinha told that there are many yogas to cure eye problems, but two main yogas, Tratak exercise and subtle pranayama of the eyes, will be very beneficial. By doing this regularly in the morning every day, its effect will start showing in just 3 months.

Tratak exercise
In this exercise, you have to keep staring at the light of a lamp in a dark room and just concentrate your eyes on the lamp without moving your head, this improves your eyesight. It is necessary to do this exercise for about 10 minutes daily.

subtle pranayama of eyes
In this exercise, you have to concentrate your eyes on the thumbs of both the hands and move your hands from left to right and from right to left. And during this, you have to keep your eyes on the thumbs without moving your head. Doing this exercise 10 to 15 times daily will benefit your eyes.

This problem including the eye got resolved
Retired service man Vijay Kumar Singh of Godda told Locale 18 that he has been exercising continuously for the last 14 years. Many age-related diseases including eye problems have been cured due to exercise. Even in old age, he feels like a youthful person.

Eye problems are gone
Sachin Kumar of Godda told that he had a lot of trouble seeing since his college days. After this, the doctor gave him high power glasses. Then the yoga guru of the college advised him to do Tratak exercise, after which his eyes got completely cured in just a year.

Tags: Godda news, health tips, Jharkhand news, Lifestyle, Local18

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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