Yogi Adityanath Took A Jibe At Shivpal Yadav : Uncle got fooled again… Yogi Adityanath took a dig at Shivpal Yadav in the assembly, SP leader also gave a funny reply to CM’s statement

Yogi Adityanath Took A Jibe At Shivpal Yadav : Uncle got fooled again... Yogi Adityanath took a dig at Shivpal Yadav in the assembly, SP leader also gave a funny reply to CM's statement

New Delhi. In Uttar Pradesh Assembly, CM Yogi Adityanath hit multiple targets with one arrow today by congratulating Samajwadi Party leader Mata Prasad Pandey on being made the Leader of Opposition. The CM targeted Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav and also targeted Shivpal Yadav. CM Yogi smilingly told Mata Prasad Pandey, first of all I congratulate you on being made the Leader of Opposition, well it is a different matter that you fooled your uncle. Poor uncle always gets defeated like this, this is his destiny because the nephew (Akhilesh Yadav) is always afraid. Hearing this from Yogi, everyone present in the House laughed loudly. Shivpal Yadav himself also smiled after listening to the CM.

However, later Shivpal Yadav while replying to the CM’s statement said that we were in touch with you for three years, you also fooled us. Shivpal’s statement made the entire House reverberate with laughter. Then the Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana also took a light-hearted dig at Shivpal and said that by now you should have got used to being fooled. Shivpal further said that when BJP fooled me, UP went far behind in the elections and Samajwadi Party went far ahead.

Shivpal claimed that after the 2027 assembly elections, the Samajwadi Party government will be formed in the state and your deputy chief minister will fool you again. Let us tell you that this is not the first time that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken a dig at Shivpal Yadav. Earlier too, CM Yogi has targeted Akhilesh Yadav and taken a dig at Shivpal several times in the House.

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