Yogi plans to connect villages directly, took a big decision, officers should stay within limits, otherwise…

Yogi plans to connect villages directly, took a big decision, officers should stay within limits, otherwise...

Lucknow. After the disappointing performance in the Lok Sabha elections 2024 in Uttar Pradesh, CM Yogi is continuously holding review meetings. CM Yogi is participating in the divisional meetings and listening to the problems of the public representatives. Most of the public representatives, MLAs and MLCs complained about bureaucracy. He also said that there was no hearing in the matters related to police station and tehsil. Now CM Yogi has made a plan to connect directly with the people of the village. CM Yogi has ordered the SDM and Tehsildars to reside in their tehsil. The Commissioner and DM have been instructed to ensure strict compliance of the order. Strict action will be taken for not complying with the order. Not only this, all DMs will provide certificates within 7 days. Surprise inspection will also be done by the government.

The Yogi government has taken an important decision to listen to the problems of the public and ensure their timely solution. The government has now issued an order to the SDMs and Tehsildars posted in tehsils across the state to reside in the same tehsil. The government’s entire focus is on improving the image of the officers and itself.

Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh has issued instructions in this regard to all the commissioners and DMs. The Chief Secretary has made it clear in his instructions that timely resolution of public problems is the top priority of the Yogi government. Most of the problems related to village people come at the tehsil level. Land related matters are seen the most. In such a situation, the government has instructed the administration to resolve these matters on time with full alertness and promptness. Not only this, all DMs will also provide its certificate within 7 days on the email ID. Surprise inspection and investigation will also be done by the Commissioner. If the SDM or Tehsildar is not found residing in the tehsil, strict action will be taken against them.

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