‘Your sister is in the flat…’, what happened to the Nepali bar dancer in the flat?

'Your sister is in the flat...', what happened to the Nepali bar dancer in the flat?

Kolkata. Boyfriend, girlfriend, live-in relationship has become an important part of modern lifestyle. It is usually seen that when such relationships turn sour, the pace of life slows down. A similar case has come to light in Kolkata. A young bar dancer from Nepal used to live in a live-in relationship with her boyfriend. Now the same bar dancer has been found dead in her flat and her partner is missing. The surprising thing is that the same person called the sister of the Nepali bar dancer and informed her about this. The sister of the deceased bar dancer lives in Bengaluru. Now the police is investigating the case.

Kolkata Police said that a 24-year-old Nepali woman working as a dancer in a bar in the metropolis was found dead in her flat on Wednesday. They said that after the body was found in the flat in Tiljala area, her live-in partner has gone missing. Police are searching for the boyfriend of the Nepali bar dancer. At present it is not known what happened to the girl and what is the reason for her death.

A woman was sleeping on the lower berth, suddenly she started screaming loudly, a big incident happened in the running train, there was a ruckus

called the bar dancer’s sister
Police said that her younger sister, who lives in Bengaluru, informed the woman’s neighbours in Tiljala about receiving a call from her live-in partner in the afternoon. An officer said, ‘She (the deceased’s sister) claimed that the man told her that her sister had died by committing suicide by hanging. Soon after this, the deceased’s live-in partner switched off his mobile phone. He has been absconding since then.’ He said that the neighbours informed the police about the incident.

Bar dancer’s live-in partner absconding
The police officer said that the missing lover of the deceased woman is being searched for. He is absconding since the incident and his whereabouts are not known. He said, ‘It is being investigated whether she committed suicide or was murdered. Seeing the injury marks on her neck, it is prima facie believed that the woman died by suicide.’ Police said that the body has been sent for post-mortem.

Tags: Crime News, Kolkata News

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