A mistake during pregnancy can cause dangerous problems in the brain of children, abortion may be required, Dr. advised

A mistake during pregnancy can cause dangerous problems in the brain of children, abortion may be required, Dr. advised

You must have seen many children who are suffering from serious mental diseases, brain or spine related problems since birth. Those who are neither able to get up from the bed nor do anything, they are dependent on their parents. Whereas in some cases, nowadays, through pregnancy ultrasound and many tests, doctors detect these deficiencies in the womb itself and in case of severe problems, they even advise the mother not to give birth to the child or to abort it. Why does this happen even when the pregnant woman is completely healthy? According to doctors, a mistake or negligence done by women in India during pregnancy is also behind these neuro-related problems of children.

Delhi’s Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Dr. Ajay Chaudhary, HOD of Neuro Surgery Department It is said that according to the research and cases that have come up so far, it has been observed that women often do not take folic acid tablets during pregnancy or are careless in taking them, whereas the brain and spinal nerves of the fetus are formed in the first month of pregnancy and during this time, if there is a deficiency of folic acid in the woman’s body or there is not enough consumption of it, then neuro-related defects occur in the child. Due to not taking the necessary dose of folic acid, it is quite common for children to have some brain or spinal problem. If this deficiency of the child is detected before birth through tests, then it is fine, otherwise the child is born with these serious diseases.

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Folic acid is most important in the first month
Dr. Chaudhary says that it has been decided by the World Health Organization and many health experts that in a country like India, whether you are pregnant or planning to conceive, you should start taking folic acid supplements right after marriage. Because what usually happens is that when a woman conceives, she comes to know after one month that she is pregnant but in this one month period, the neurological development of the fetus is complete. Its brain and spine are formed. If during this time folic acid does not reach the child from the woman’s body, then some defect or anomaly occurs. Therefore, this initial month of pregnancy is the most important, when it is most important to take folic acid. In such a situation, one should start taking folic acid.

Abortion has to be done
Dr. Chaudhary explains that when the baby is in the womb, a level two ultrasound is done to check if there is any anomaly in the baby’s body. If any problem is seen in the ultrasound or there is doubt, then a fetal MRI is done. If there is any defect in the baby, it is completely detected in this test. Often such cases are referred from the gynecology department. When a major defect is seen, then many times it is advised to abort the pregnancy up to the legally valid 20 weeks. So that after the birth of the child, he does not have to bear this life and does not become a burden.

Can folic acid be taken later?
If you do not take folic acid in the first month, then it cannot be compensated later because the brain and spine of the child are formed in the tube itself in the first month. Till then it remains an immature fetus. Due to lack of folic acid, defects start appearing in that tube itself. Therefore, the need to take folic acid tablets is the highest in the first month. If this is missed and later you are taking a lot of folic acid for many months, then also defects can occur.

Can’t iron and calcium compensate for this?
Dr. says that calcium and iron tablets taken in the second and third trimesters after the first trimester of pregnancy cannot compensate for the deficiency of folic acid. These help in the growth of the child’s body but cannot overcome the problems caused by the deficiency of folic acid.

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