A special medicine which makes all medicines fail…which removes all the blemishes and spots from the body


Baghpat/Ashish Tyagi: Everyone adopts different measures to take care of health. Many people start using expensive medicines and products to stay healthy. But, no special benefit is seen. In such a situation, we have brought information about a special medicine. Its name is Shodhit Gandhak. By using it, even the most serious skin diseases can be cured easily. This medicine also helps a lot in keeping the digestive power healthy.

This medicine is beneficial for the skin
The shrouded sulphur medicine also works to cure oily skin. It is a very useful medicine, but it should be used with caution. Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Sunita Sonal Dhama, while giving information, said that shrouded sulphur is prepared by purifying sulphur. Because sulphur is a flammable substance and it is not used in Ayurveda, but after purifying sulphur, shrouded sulphur is obtained, which has a very important use in Ayurveda.

All problems will go away
Skin related problems are often seen during the rainy season. Shodhit Gandhak is such a medicine that works to cure any type of skin disease very quickly. It is used easily and it works to cure skin problems in a few days. Its use also improves digestion power. It works to strengthen the body.

Take care before use
The problem of oiliness on the skin is also cured by its use. It also works to make the skin shiny. The doctor’s supervision and the correct dosage should be used while using this medicine.

How to use
Dr. Sunita Sonal Dhama told that skin problems can be cured by mixing purified sulfur in water and taking bath with that water. It can be used internally and externally. Using it in required quantity with water improves digestion and provides energy to the body.

Tags: health, Local18

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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