Are you troubled by fluctuating BP? Try these 6 asanas…it will be controlled without medicine

Are you troubled by fluctuating BP? Try these 6 will be controlled without medicine

Almora. In the modern era, the problem of blood pressure is increasing rapidly. People are facing this problem at a very young age. Blood pressure can be a cause of trouble for people in both conditions, whether it is low or high. According to health experts, crores of people in the country are suffering from high blood pressure, but most of the people are not aware of this problem. In such a situation, BP can be more dangerous. Medicines are given to control blood pressure, but only medicine is not enough. It has to be controlled from food and drink to lifestyle.

Generally, the normal blood pressure of adults is 120/80 mm Hg. If your blood pressure is more than 120/80 mm Hg, then you may have the problem of high blood pressure. On the other hand, if your blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg, then you are suffering from the problem of low blood pressure.

This work has to be done regularly
If you also have high BP and low BP, then you can control your BP by doing yoga asanas. Yes, there are some such pranayama and asanas of yoga. By doing them, you can get rid of your high BP and low BP. For which you have to do yoga regularly. After this you will see the benefits yourself. Anyway, there are many benefits of doing yoga, if you control your BP, then many of your diseases can also be cured.

Do these asanas to control blood pressure
Amitesh Singh of Yoganilayam Research Institute told that nowadays high BP and low BP are increasing among people. There are some yoga asanas and pranayama to control high BP and low BP which include Balasana, Paschimottanasana, Chandrabhedi Pranayama, Shitali Pranayama, Sitakari Pranayama. Apart from this, for low BP, you can control your BP by doing Suryanamaskar, Bhrastrika, Suryabhedi Pranayama, Kapalbhati.

This asana is beneficial in high BP
Amitesh Singh told that in high BP, the heart rate of people increases a lot, which we can control through yoga. First of all, to do Balasana, you have to sit in Braj Asana. While inhaling, raise both hands upwards, then while exhaling, keep both hands behind the feet and forehead on the ground and stay in a completely relaxed mode. The second asana is Paschimottanasana, to do which spread both your legs in front and sit in Dandasana position. While inhaling slowly raise both hands and while exhaling, you can hold the thumbs of your feet with both hands. If you are not able to hold, then there is no problem. Drop your head, just rest in it for some time. After this, you can also do Pranayama, in which you can cure your high BP by doing Chandrabhedi Pranayama, Sheetali Pranayama, Seetkari Pranayama.

How to control low BP?
Amitesh Singh told that those who have low BP can do Surya Namaskar, which is most beneficial for low BP. Second is Bhrastrika, you can sit in any positive posture. For that you just have to inhale and exhale. Which you can do continuously. Third is Suryabhedi Pranayam, you can inhale from your right nostril. You can exhale from the left, in this you do not have to breathe from the left nostril. Fourth is Kapalbhati, in this you have to empty your stomach by taking a deep breath and slowly exhale.

Tags: Almora News, Health News, Life18, Local18, uttarakhand news

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