Caution! Never apply the combination of these two things on the skin, it can damage the skin – AnyTV News

Caution! Never apply the combination of these two things on the skin, it can damage the skin - India TV Hindi

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Two things can damage the skin

Do you also buy expensive beauty products to make your skin flawless? If yes, then you should carefully read the expiry date as well as the ingredients of any beauty product before applying it on your face. Actually, the combination of some things can react on your skin due to which you may have to face skin related problems.

Combination of Vitamin C and Retinol

If any beauty product has a combination of vitamin C and retinol, then you should apply such a product on your skin only after careful consideration. For your information, let us tell you that the combination of these two ingredients can prove to be very dangerous for your skin. If you apply a combination of vitamin C and retinol on your skin, then your skin may get irritated.

How can it be used?

According to experts, using vitamin C and retinol separately on the skin can prove to be beneficial. Vitamin C can be included in the skin care routine during the day and retinol at night. Do not forget to moisturize your skin before applying retinol. Applying retinol on dry skin can have a bad effect on your skin.

Why is it important to read the ingredients?

If you do not get information about the ingredients of beauty products before buying them, then you can become a victim of many skin related problems. Due to not paying attention to the ingredients, problems like skin rashes and itching start arising. Therefore, you must take precautions to keep your skin flawless.

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