Cure for 100 diseases has been found! Tension, fatigue, depression will all go away, just do this

Cure for 100 diseases has been found! Tension, fatigue, depression will all go away, just do this

Nature and Well-being Connection: The hectic life of the city plays havoc with the mental health of people. People living in cities for a long time become victims of many problems including stress, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure. Whenever people go to natural places, they get a lot of peace. This is the reason why health experts advise people to spend time with nature away from the noise of the city from time to time. This not only boosts your mental health, but also provides relief from many problems. In many researches, this thing has also been described as very beneficial for health.

Healthline’s Report According to him, spending time in the lap of nature has a good effect on people’s physical and mental health. Staying in a natural environment for a few days reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Also, heart rate, blood pressure and muscle strain start reducing. This makes people feel relaxed. Not only this, people’s self-confidence increases by visiting natural places. People’s creative skills get boosted in calm and natural places and people feel very satisfied. People’s quality of life improves by visiting such places.

A few years ago, scientists from Tokyo University in Japan did a study in this regard. It revealed that people who spend time with nature can get great benefits for their physical and mental health. Spending time in such places can reduce the risk of many diseases. A research in the year 2019 revealed that for good health, all people should go out and spend at least 120 minutes with nature every week. In this context, people should do outdoor activities for at least 20 to 30 minutes daily. This can reduce blood pressure by up to 10%.

Now you must be thinking that to spend time with nature you have to go to the mountains or the sea shore, but it is not so. You can also spend quiet time sitting in a park, garden or open ground near your house. Apart from this, you can participate in outdoor activities in a field. It may be a little difficult for people in urban areas to spend time with nature, but there are some places around the cities where one can go on weekends and improve mental health.

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Tags: health, Lifestyle, mental illnesses, Trending news

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