Diabetes patients are more prone to foot ulcers and UTI during rainy season, this is how to protect yourself

Diabetes patients are more prone to foot ulcers and UTI during rainy season, this is how to protect yourself

Tips To Control Diabetes in Rainy Season: Diabetic patients need to avoid diseases during monsoon. During rainy season, the temperature keeps changing and the humidity in the air increases. Apart from this, the water also becomes dirty. This can cause many types of infections to diabetes patients. In this season, there is a high risk of blood sugar becoming uncontrolled, ulcers in the feet, urinary tract infection and skin problems. A small negligence can become the reason for big trouble in this season. We will learn from the doctor how diabetes patients can avoid these problems during rainy season.

Dr Tanish Mandal, consultant pathologist at Apollo Diagnostics, Delhi, told AnyTV The health of diabetes patients is badly affected during monsoon. The risk of diseases spreading due to increased humidity and water increases during rainy season. The immune system of diabetes patients is already weak and due to these diseases, immunity can become even weaker. This increases the risk of suffering from digestive problems, skin infections, foot ulcers, UTI and diabetic neuropathy. Every month 80 to 100 such patients are coming to the hospital with these problems.

The doctor said that the blood sugar of diabetes patients can also become uncontrolled during the rainy season. To control this, take the medicines given by the doctor on time and take care of your diet. Monitor blood sugar daily and get HbA1C test done every three months. Many patients do not get tested from time to time, due to which they are at risk of getting many serious infections. Regular testing can help control blood sugar and avoid foot ulcers. Also, it can be easy to keep skin infections away.

How can diabetic patients protect themselves?

Diabetic patients should drink adequate water in this season and monitor their sugar level. Along with washing hands frequently in the rainy season, personal hygiene should be maintained. Diabetic patients should avoid walking barefoot in this season and keep their feet clean and dry. Apart from this, wear good quality comfortable shoes to avoid foot ulcers. In diabetic patients, even a small wound can cause an irreversible infection. Diabetic patients should eat clean fruits, vegetables and whole grains in this season.

Diabetes patients should exercise daily at home and eat fresh homemade food. Avoid street foods. Avoid oily, canned and processed food. Take the medicines prescribed by the doctor on time. Eat a nutritious diet regularly. If you notice fluctuations in your blood sugar level regularly, consult a doctor immediately.

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Tags: blood sugar, Health, Lifestyle, Trending news

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