Do not eat these 5 things in rainy season, it will cause great harm to health, strictly prohibited in Ayurveda!

Do not eat these 5 things in rainy season, it will cause great harm to health, strictly prohibited in Ayurveda!

Ayurveda Health Tips For Monsoon: The rainy season is pleasant, but it is also very dangerous in terms of diseases. The number of patients suffering from cold, cough and viral fever increases rapidly in the rainy season. From children to the elderly, everyone is falling prey to these diseases. If food is not taken care of during the rainy season, then one can fall prey to serious stomach related diseases. Ayurveda has described a special diet plan for the rainy season. It tells which things should be eaten during the rainy season and which foods should be avoided.

Dr. Piyush Maheshwari, Assistant Professor, Aligarh Ayurvedic Medical College, UP told AnyTV In the rainy season, we should eat things that are light, easily digestible, fresh, hot and increase the digestive fire. This calms the Vata in our body and is beneficial for health. It is beneficial to consume wheat, barley, rice, corn, mustard, rye, cucumber and Khichdi in the rainy season. Eating moong and arhar dal is also beneficial for the body. Milk, ghee, honey and rice can also be consumed in limited quantity. To avoid stomach diseases, consume dry ginger and lemon in the rainy season.

Avoid these things in the rainy season

Dr Maheshwari said that the Vata of the body increases in the rainy season and the risk of diseases increases. According to Ayurveda, spicy, salty and fried foods should not be consumed in the rainy season. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, fenugreek and stale food should not be consumed in this season. Apart from this, people should not consume alcohol, meat, fish and curd. All these things can cause stomach problems and the digestive system can be affected. Not only this, to keep the digestive system healthy in the rainy season, eat less walnuts and dry things.

Eat these fruits and vegetables in abundance in the rain

According to Ayurvedic doctors, people should always drink boiled water during the rainy season, so that the risk of water-borne diseases is reduced. Talking about vegetables, gourd, ladyfinger, ridge gourd, tomato and mint should be consumed during monsoon. Soup of these vegetables should also be consumed. Talking about seasonal fruits, eat apple, banana, pomegranate, pear, jamun and mango during the rainy season. Apart from this, consumption of black pepper, bay leaf, cinnamon, cumin, coriander, carom seeds, mustard, asafoetida, papaya, pear, parwal, brinjal, drumstick, bitter gourd, amla and basil is considered beneficial in monsoon.

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Tags: health, Healthy Diet, Lifestyle, Trending news

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