Do you also have the habit of eating quickly? If yes, then understand the health related things, it will be useful for life

Do you also have the habit of eating quickly? If yes, then understand the health related things, it will be useful for life

Eating Too Fast: Often in childhood, you must have heard from your elders that eat slowly. But there are many people who do not understand this properly and even after growing up, they develop the habit of eating fast. As soon as food comes in front of such people, they pounce on it. However, some people eat food quickly due to compulsion. If someone does not have time, then he eats anything quickly and leaves the house. Whatever may be the reason, but if you also have the habit of eating fast or in a hurry, it is not good for your health. This can cause many types of harm. First of all, you will not get nutrients from food in the right way, due to which weakness and fatigue will start in your body. Not only this, your digestion will always be bad due to this. Let us know from the experts what are the disadvantages of eating fast.

Disadvantages of eating too quickly

1. Poor digestion power-Dr. Lizlie Heinberg, a psychologist at Cleveland Clinic, says that the first bad effect of eating too quickly is that digestion will be affected. When you chew the food properly, half the work of digestion is done in it. But when you swallow it directly or without chewing it less, then your stomach will have to work very hard to break down this food. This will affect the digestive power.

2. Obstacle in the receipt of nutrients-When you eat at a very fast speed, it is obvious that the food will not break down properly. If it is not broken down properly, then the nutrients will not be extracted properly. Due to this, the body will not get the small micronutrients present in the food. That is, without getting the necessary vitamins and minerals, the food will be excreted as waste.

3. Metabolic syndrome-If you do not get rid of the habit of eating quickly, then you may suffer from metabolic syndrome. In this, you will have many problems at once. In this, problems like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excessive fat near the stomach, high cholesterol will occur simultaneously. All these can also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

4. Excess weight-Research has found that eating quickly can lead to weight gain. In a study conducted by the University of Japan on 50,000 people, it was found that most of those who had the habit of eating quickly were overweight.

How to change this habit
Always decide that you will give importance to the time for eating. At least 20 minutes should be given to eating. Half an hour is considered ideal. While eating, do not swallow it directly, but give more time to chew. If you chew more, you will enjoy the taste more. If you have a habit of eating quickly, then keep drinking water in between. If you are eating while watching TV or mobile, then leave this habit also. By doing this, you will get into the habit of eating slowly.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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