Drinking curry leaf juice reduces weight, know how to extract the juice and at what time should it be drunk – AnyTV News

Drinking curry leaf juice reduces weight, know how to extract the juice and at what time should it be drunk - India TV Hindi

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Curry Leaf Juice

Just like green coriander enhances both the taste and colour of food, curry leaves also enhance the taste of food. Curry leaves are used the most in South Indian food. Curry leaves bring a different aroma and taste to Poha and Upma. Curry leaves have been used in Indian homes for centuries. Curry leaves also have many medicinal properties which benefit the body. Obesity can be reduced by drinking curry leaf juice daily. Know how to make curry leaf juice for weight loss?

Curry leaves contain many vitamins like vitamin B2, vitamin B1 and vitamin A and nutrients like iron, calcium, protein. Curry leaves are rich in antidiabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial properties. All these nutrients help in keeping the body healthy.

Curry leaf juice helps in weight loss

Drinking curry leaf juice daily on an empty stomach reduces the fat stored in the body. The vitamins and minerals found in curry leaves help in weight loss. Curry juice strengthens immunity and its antioxidant properties help keep infections away. Curry leaf juice, rich in iron and folic acid, removes blood deficiency in the body. Anemia patients must drink curry leaf juice. Drinking curry leaf juice detoxifies the body and removes bad toxins. Curry leaf juice also helps in improving digestion. It can relieve the problem of gas, acidity and constipation. Curry leaf juice also helps in keeping hair and skin healthy.

How to make curry leaves juice?

For this you need about 1 bowl of curry leaves. Wash the leaves thoroughly and put 2 glasses of water on the gas to boil. When the water starts boiling on high flame, add curry leaves. Now boil it and when half the water remains, filter it through a sieve. Mix 1 teaspoon honey and lemon juice in it. If you want, just grind the curry leaves and extract the juice and add black salt and lemon to it and drink it.

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