Due to deficiency of vitamin B12, nerves start becoming lifeless, body becomes weak, to overcome this, include these things in your diet immediately

Vitamin B12 deficiency: Our body needs a balanced amount of all types of vitamins. Neither too much nor too less. If there is too much then there is a problem and if there is too little then there is a disease. Vitamin B12 is also one such vitamin. Our body needs 160 to 950 picograms per milliliter. One picogram is one thousand eight hundredth of a gram. Of course, its quantity may seem very small to you but it is life for our entire body. If there is not enough vitamin B12 in our body then we will often feel weak and tired. Because vitamin B12 plays an important role in giving life to the nerves.

Vitamin B12 activates the function of the central nervous system of our brain. This system controls the nerves of the entire body. Along with this, it makes healthy red blood cells. DNA is made due to vitamin B12. Due to deficiency of vitamin B12, there is a lack of RBC in the blood, due to which anemia occurs. That is, there will be a lack of oxygen in the body. Therefore, it can be understood what effect the deficiency of vitamin B12 can have on our body. However, there are many such foods with the help of which vitamin B12 can be increased.

Fulfill the deficiency of vitamin B12 with these foods

1. Green vegetables-Harvard Medical School of Health recommends consuming various types of food to overcome the deficiency of vitamin B12. Green vegetables are a very good thing for those who are vegetarian. Green vegetables have the highest amount of fiber but they contain many types of micronutrients. Vitamin B12 is also present in sufficient quantity in green leafy vegetables. Therefore, if you are feeling a deficiency of vitamin B12 or are feeling tired or weak, then consume green leafy vegetables.

2. Fishes
– Fish contains complete nutrients. It is the biggest source of many types of vitamins and proteins. Oily fish contains a lot of vitamin B12. Therefore, for those who are non-vegetarians, consuming fish 2 days a week can prove to be very beneficial. This can boost overall health. Not only this, apart from all types of vitamins, proteins, nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids are also present in fish which is very beneficial for the heart. Fish like trout, sardine, salmon, tuna contain a lot of vitamin B12.

3. Egg-
A small egg contains many essential elements for living life. Especially those which are rare. Egg is a treasure of protein but it also contains a lot of vitamin B12. Therefore, consuming one egg a day can overcome the deficiency of vitamin B12. Egg is also good for overall health.

4. Milk and dairy products
-According to the news of Healthline, milk or dairy products contain abundant amount of protein but it also contains sufficient amount of vitamin B12. However, if you eat dairy products with sugar, then its benefit will be very less but there is a possibility of increasing sugar. Pure milk contains 46 percent vitamin B12. Buttermilk made from milk is also a good source of vitamin B12. Therefore, milk or buttermilk should be consumed daily.

5. Fortified Cereals-Fortified cereals mean adding many types of vitamins to cereals. Therefore, if there is a severe deficiency of vitamin B12, then consume fortified cereals. Especially for those who are vegetarian, fortified food can be an excellent source of vitamin B12.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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