Due to just one misunderstanding, 2 out of 5 men die in their youth, this mistake of yours can also prove costly

Due to just one misunderstanding, 2 out of 5 men die in their youth, this mistake of yours can also prove costly

Causes of death in young age: According to the new report of Men’s Health, 2 out of 5 deaths in young age in Britain happen only because these people ignore their health in the pride of youth. Thousands of young people die every month in Britain. According to statistics, about 1.33 lakh young people die every year due to negligence towards health. They have a misconception that they cannot have any disease at this age. Therefore, such people do not even go to the doctors. The report says that most of these deaths can be prevented. If screening is done on time, then many types of deaths including prostate cancer can be prevented. This research is definitely from Britain, but more or less the situation is similar in our country too. Most of the young people do not go to the doctor in case of health related problems.

If we become alert on time, thousands of lives can be saved
According to the Daily Mail report, most of the other deaths can also be prevented if these people give up bad habits like alcohol, cigarettes and junk food and exercise regularly. In India too, the youth are facing similar problems. This report says that if young men get tested for testicular cancer, prostate cancer and heart cancer in the beginning, then the chances of avoiding these three diseases will be very high. But this is not happening. According to the report, the average age of men born in Britain in 2021 is 78.7 which is four years less than women.

do not get tested for one month

The report says that men live a much worse lifestyle than women. Youngsters smoke and drink more, while many people fall prey to drugs. Due to this, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are becoming common. Even if a government-sponsored health screening camp is organized, men go to it less often. They think how can one get sick in youth. According to the report, 64 percent of men wait for 3 weeks for the symptoms of any disease to be cured even after it appears. If there is a serious disease, it has already spread in the body by then. Even among these, 31 percent wait for a month after getting sick before going to the doctor.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle, Trending news

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