Earth became a ball of fire… The record of the hottest day did not last even for 24 hours, such conditions after 84 years

Earth became a ball of fire... The record of the hottest day did not last even for 24 hours, such conditions after 84 years

If you are troubled by the heat and humidity in the country, then be thankful. The situation is going to get worse. The earth is becoming a ball of fire. A day ago it was known that the temperature of the earth has reached 17.09 degrees Celsius, which is a record. But wait. Not even 24 hours have passed and this record was broken. And now the new record that has come out shows that after 84 years the earth is getting heated so fast. This is not only dangerous for humans, but can also bring destruction on the earth.

The European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said a day earlier that on July 21, the global average temperature was recorded at 17.09 degrees Celsius, which was a record. But this record was broken within 24 hours. Because the very next day i.e. on July 22, the global average temperature reached 17.15 degrees Celsius. Data shows that for the last 12 months, the global temperature has been continuously reaching more than 1.5 degrees Celsius every month. This is why heat is being recorded in most countries of the world.

The temperature is changing so fast in 1.25 lakh years
According to the data of C3S, 22nd July this year was the hottest day since 1940. Global temperature is changing so rapidly in about 1.25 lakh years. This is the result of excessive use of coal, oil and gas and deforestation. The report says that ever since humans have been doing farming, there has never been such a rapid increase in temperature.

57 days were hotter than average
Before July 2023, the Earth’s daily average temperature record was 16.8 degrees Celsius in August 2016. However, since July 3, 2023, there have been 57 days when the temperature has been higher than the previous record. Carlo Buontempo, director of C3S, said that there is a shocking difference between the temperature of the last 13 months and the previous record. We are now in an uncertain situation and as the climate continues to warm, we will see new records in the coming months and years.

Tags: Delhi latest news, Earth, Latest weather news, weather news

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