Everyone makes this mistake during rainy days…that’s when their health gets worse

Everyone makes this mistake during rainy days...that's when their health gets worse

Darbhanga/Abhinav Kumar: As soon as the weather changed, people started falling sick. Some are having fever. Some are having cold due to getting wet in the rain. Let us tell you that even a little carelessness after getting wet in the rain can prove to be dangerous for your health. The risk of infection also remains due to wearing wet clothes after getting wet in the rain. Let us know what the doctor from Darbhanga said about this.

Do not be careless in rainy season
In the current weather, people get wet in the rain and then do not change their clothes. This is wrong because it can cause bacterial infection. Medical expert, Professor Sushil Kumar of Darbhanga Medical College says that we need protection according to the weather. Dangerous viruses also grow rapidly in a good environment. He said, ‘It is the rainy season right now and in such a situation, if we get wet in the rain and wait for the clothes to dry, then there is a high possibility of falling ill.’

Avoid eating outside food during monsoon
During this time, food items rot very fast. We have to pay special attention to that too. Dr. Sushil Kumar further explains that during this rainy season, more than half of the patients suffer from respiratory diseases. In such a situation, do not show negligence at all. It is very important for health that you do some home remedies even if you have a headache.

keep the house clean
Along with all these things, it is important that you also take care of the cleanliness of the house. If the house is dirty, insects like mosquitoes will keep coming and going. Keep the bathroom clean too. If there is water spilled around the house, get it cleaned too.

Tags: health, Local18

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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