Have you also seen this video? Reply or else you will be arrested… such emails are coming, you will be shocked to know the whole matter

Have you also seen this video? Reply or else you will be arrested... such emails are coming, you will be shocked to know the whole matter

People often watch reels and entertaining videos on their phones. But this can become a big hassle for you. Nowadays people are suddenly getting emails. It is being told that they have recently logged in to a pornography site. This is a violation of government rules. Screenshots of videos are also being sent in some emails. Anyone will get scared after seeing this. It is also written in the mail that if you do not respond, you can be arrested… Many people are getting such emails. You will be shocked to know the whole matter.

Many people complained about this on the social media platform LinkedIn. Some people appealed to the Delhi Police, while some to the West Bengal and Karnataka Police. This mail looks real. It seems that the officers of the Cyber ​​Crime Department are sending it. Some people claimed that money is also being demanded from them. It is even being said that if you do not give the money, you will be arrested. You will be sent to jail.

What to do if it comes to you
According to the officials, these are fake emails. There is no need to pay attention to them. If you ever receive such emails, do not open them at all. This is the game of cyber criminals. If you open the emails and try to reply to them, then rest assured that the danger will increase for you. The cyber cell of Delhi Police is running a special campaign to deal with such criminals.

What did the expert say…
According to experts, first of all, we have to see where this mail came from? Because no official thing is sent on Gmail from the government. Secondly, the police never sends you anything on email. If there is any such thing, then first of all your phone or address is contacted. If you are also getting such emails, then complain on 1930. Contact the cyber crime unit of the police. Most of such mails have come to people on LinkedIn, so it is important to be alert.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, shocking news, Weird news

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