Have you eaten too much food? Instead of regretting, do this important thing, it will not cause any harm, expert told the way

Have you eaten too much food? Instead of regretting, do this important thing, it will not cause any harm, expert told the way

Post Large Meal Tips: Many times it happens that we are very hungry and we eat more than we need. Due to this, the stomach feels heavy, the fear of gaining weight starts coming in the mind, the blood sugar level starts increasing and many types of problems start to be felt due to overeating. In such a situation, regretting after eating is natural. If you have eaten too much food, then what should be done to digest the food properly and keep the weight under control, so that there is no harm to health. Recently, a report was published about this Well-known health and fitness expert Luke Coutinho shared some hacks on an Instagram post. He told that If you ever overeat or eat too much food, you can avoid problems by keeping some things in mind.

If you have eaten too much then do this work-
Well-known health and fitness expert Luke Coutinho says that often people start feeling guilty after eating too much. Not only this, many times we know that we have to eat a heavy meal today, but we do not understand what we can do to prevent its side effects. Answering this question, Luke Coutinho has shared some simple and effective hacks.

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