How many hours of sleep do you need every day according to your age, what are the benefits of deep sleep, know the details

How many hours of sleep do you need every day according to your age, what are the benefits of deep sleep, know the details

How much sleep do you need: The night we are not able to sleep properly, the next day the mind remains restless. Sleep is such a process without which we cannot imagine life. When we sleep, only then the organs of our whole body get rest and then the next day it gets plenty of energy. In sleep we are in a state of rest physically and mentally but our body keeps working from inside. During sleep the body repairs its organs. Chemically the immune system reaches the blood of the whole body only during sleep. The process of digestion also starts to speed up during sleep. That is why sleep is an important part of our life. But do you know how many hours of sleep you need every day? Here we will tell you everything.

factors important for sleep

According to Mayo Clinic, how many hours of sleep you need depends on many things. For example, what is your age, what work you do, what is your diet, where do you live, etc., sleep needs are measured by many things. There are many stages of sleep. The body benefits only when there is deep sleep. It is generally believed that a normal healthy adult should sleep for 6 to 7 hours every night. But if you wake up in between, its quality will deteriorate and you will not get any better benefit from it. Here you will be able to know with the help of the chart how many hours of sleep you need.

age sleep requirement
Infants between 0 and 3 months: 14 to 17 hours in 24 hours
Infants between 4 and 12 months: 12 to 16 hours in a 24-hour period
Children between 1 and 2 years: 11 to 14 hours in 24 hours
Children between 3 and 5 years: 10 to 13 hours in 24 hours
Children between 6 and 12 years: 9 to 12 hours in a 24 hour period
Children between 13 and 18 years: 8 to 10 hours in 24 hours
Adults over 18 years of age sleep more than 7 hours a night

benefits of adequate sleep
According to the report, if you wake up early in the night, then you will not get quality sleep. For adequate sleep, quality sleep is needed in which a person sleeps deeply. If you get adequate quality sleep, then you will not fall ill frequently. This will keep your mood good and reduce stress. At the same time, heart health will be good and metabolism will also be boosted. Apart from all this, the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke will also be reduced. By getting good sleep, memory power will also improve. Therefore, make a fixed time at night for good sleep. You will get good sleep at this time. Also keep your bedroom quiet and cool. Do not keep food in the bedroom before sleeping. Do not drink tea or coffee before sleeping. If you do regular exercise, you will get good sleep.

FIRST PUBLISHED : July 26, 2024, 15:25 IST

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