IAS’s wife fell in love with High Court Maharaja, ran away with gangster, then…

IAS's wife fell in love with High Court Maharaja, ran away with gangster, then...

Ahmedabad. A very shocking incident has come to light in Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat. The wife of an IAS officer posted here consumed poison in front of her house, which led to her death. This woman’s maternal home is in Tamil Nadu and it is said that she had run away with a gangster from there. She was also involved in a child kidnapping case there.

IAS Ranjit Kumar is the Secretary of Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC). He was having a dispute with his wife Surya J, 45, for the last few months. He had instructed his employees not to allow Surya to enter his house. So when Surya reached home on Saturday morning, the guard stopped her at the gate. Surya pleaded a lot to go inside, but when things did not work out, she consumed poison at the door of the bungalow. After this, she was rushed to Gandhinagar Civil Hospital, where she died on Sunday.

According to a report published in the Times of India, a police officer said, ‘IAS Ranjit Kumar had gone out with Surya on Saturday to finalize his divorce petition. Surya consumed poison when he was not allowed inside.’ Gandhinagar SP Ravi Teja Vasamsetty said that the police have found an alleged suicide note in Tamil, although he refused to give any information about it at the moment.

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Police sources said that Surya might have gone to her husband’s house to escape arrest by Tamil Nadu police in the Madurai kidnapping case.

Let us tell you that Surya’s name had come up in the kidnapping case of a 14-year-old boy. Her alleged lover and local gangster known as ‘High Court Maharaj’ and his partner Senthil Kumar were involved in this case. According to the information received, they kidnapped the boy on July 11 due to a money dispute with the child’s mother. They had demanded a ransom of Rs 2 crore from his mother, but Madurai police rescued the boy. After this, the police started searching for all the accused including Surya.

A source familiar with the case said that Surya had eloped with the ‘High Court Maharaj’ about nine months ago. SP Vasamsetty has cited kidnapping as one of the reasons. He said, ‘I came to know from the news that Surya was accused of kidnapping in Madurai, due to which he might have taken this horrific step.’

Tags: Gujarat news, IAS exam, IAS Officer

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