If this is happening to you too, then understand that your kidney has become weak, it is better to go to the doctor than sitting idle, understand the symptoms

If this is happening to you too, then understand that your kidney has become weak, it is better to go to the doctor than sitting idle, understand the symptoms

Symptoms of weak kidney: There are two kidneys shaped like beans on both sides of the upper part of the stomach. These are called kidneys. They are very small but their work is very valuable. The small kidney filters out the poison or toxic substances that enter our body every moment and removes them from the body. All the blood present in our body reaches the kidney filtration at least 40 times a day and every time the kidney filters out the harmful substance from it and excretes it through urine. Just think, if there were no kidneys, what would happen to the toxins formed in our body. If toxic substances start accumulating in the body, how many days will a person live. Therefore, it is very important for the kidney to be strong. If the kidney is strong, the risk of many diseases will automatically end. Therefore, here we are telling you about some such signs which will tell you how strong your kidney is.

Signs of weak kidney

1. Urinary problems -According to Mayo Clinic, urine related problems are the first sign of kidney weakness. In fact, if there is a problem in urinating, if there is a change in the colour, quantity, texture of urine, etc., then understand that the kidney has started weakening. If protein starts coming out of the urine, it becomes like foam when urinating. At the same time, smell from urine is also a bad sign. All these symptoms are signs of many kidney related diseases. This simply means that the kidney is getting weak in some way or the other.

2. Swelling of the feet– When the kidney is not able to function properly, water starts entering the veins, which causes swelling in the legs. When the kidney is weak, it is not able to remove things from the blood properly. This disturbs the balance of hemoglobin in the blood and due to this, the legs start swelling. Apart from the legs, swelling starts appearing on the face and under the eyes as well.

3. Pain in the chest- It is natural to have pain in the upper part of the stomach when there is a problem in the kidney, but if there is pain in the chest, it is not only due to the problem in the heart, but when the kidney is unable to filter the blood properly, it starts accumulating near the lining of the heart, which can cause chest pain.

4. High BP-High BP means heart related problems but when there is high blood pressure, it also affects the kidneys. This weakens the kidneys. High blood pressure gradually increases additional pressure on the kidneys and can cause many kidney related diseases.

5. Shortness of breath – When there is difficulty in breathing and you always feel breathless, it can also be due to kidney related problems. Actually, when the balance of blood gets disturbed, waste material starts accumulating in the lungs, which causes swelling in the lungs and breathlessness.

6. Loss of appetite-Due to weak kidneys, one feels very less hungry. Although appetite is reduced in many diseases, but if there is a lack of appetite along with difficulty in urination, then it should be understood that the kidney has become weak. If the kidney does not remove the dirt from the body, then this dirt will start accumulating in the internal parts of the body. This can lead to problems like vomiting and nausea. This will lead to less appetite and weight loss. Along with this, there will be pain in the stomach.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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