If you fall ill during the rainy season, then drink this immunity booster tea, you will get many benefits – AnyTV News

If you fall ill during the rainy season, then drink this immunity booster tea, you will get many benefits - India TV Hindi

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Monsoon Tea

If you are fond of drinking tea, then you must know about this healthy tea. Actually, during monsoon, people often fall prey to seasonal diseases due to weak immunity. If you want to keep your immunity strong, then you should include ginger and licorice tea in your diet. Drinking this tea can provide many benefits to your health.

Makes immune system stronger

Drinking ginger-licorice tea during the rainy season can prove to be a boon for your health. According to Ayurveda, by drinking this tea, you can protect yourself from many health problems arising in monsoon. All the elements found in ginger and licorice can strengthen your immune system to a great extent.

How to make ginger-licorice tea?

It is very easy to make ginger-licorice tea. To make this tea full of nutrients, first boil water in a pan. Now you have to add tea leaves, licorice and grated ginger in this water. You can also add jaggery to it to enhance the taste of the tea. Boil the tea for a while and then filter it in a cup. Believe me, you will like the taste of this tea very much.

You will get only benefits

By drinking ginger and liquorice tea, you can also avoid falling prey to stomach problems. Not only this, this healthy tea can also prove to be effective in relieving you from cold and throat infection. Overall, this tea can boost your overall health.

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