If you want to do a love marriage, then ask your partner these questions before deciding to get married – AnyTV News

If you want to do a love marriage, then ask your partner these questions before deciding to get married - India TV Hindi

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Questions to ask before love marriage

Do you also like someone and want to have a love marriage with him/her? If yes, then you must ask some questions to your partner before love marriage. If you do not ask such questions to your future life partner, then your married life may be in danger in the future. To keep your relationship strong even after marriage, it is very important to discuss some things with your partner or ask some questions.

Are you both ready?

Before deciding to get married, you should also find out about the wishes of the other person. Both of you should think about whether both of you are ready to take the responsibility of marriage. If you put pressure on the other person for marriage, then the chances of your relationship breaking after marriage can increase to a great extent.

Discuss Life Goals

Before deciding on a love marriage, you must discuss about your and your would-be partner’s life goals. It is very important to know about each other’s goals. If you do not ask these questions, then distances can arise between you after marriage. To keep the relationship strong, it is very important to understand each other’s dreams.

Talk about money too

Whether both of you are working or just one of you is working, you should definitely talk about money in both situations. Finances often create distance between partners after marriage. If everything is clear between you two beforehand, then you will not have to face problems regarding this issue after marriage.

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