If you want to get rid of addiction, come to room number 49 of the district hospital, this doctor will help you get rid of the addiction

If you want to get rid of addiction, come to room number 49 of the district hospital, this doctor will help you get rid of the addiction

Dausa. A large section of the society, especially the young generation, is in the grip of drug addiction. Centers are being run at many places for de-addiction. There are also complaints of harassment at some places. Amidst all this, there is a doctor in Dausa who is claiming that he can make the youth drug-free.

In Dausa district, the youth are getting entangled in drug addiction. Dr. Himanshu Sharma of Dausa District Hospital is showing a ray of hope for them. He has been continuously explaining the youth and giving them medicines for the last one year. It is claimed that this is helping the youth get rid of drug addiction. The youth have started reaching him on their own. In a year, three times more youth reached him to get rid of drug addiction.

Youth drowned in smack
Dr. Himanshu Sharma says that among the youths who have come so far, there are many who are addicted to smack. Even small children have started getting addicted to it. Teachers have also brought children studying in school. They have become so addicted to smack that they are ready to do anything for it. They are doing everything from stealing from home to committing crimes in the neighbourhood.

Room No. 49 of District Hospital
Psychiatrist District Nodal Officer Dr. Himanshu Sharma sits in room number 49 of Dausa District Hospital. He says that only one time advice and medicine works to get rid of addiction. Now a separate ward will be made in the hospital for de-addiction.

Free Checkup
Dr Himanshu conducts some minor tests of the people who come to the hospital for de-addiction. Treatment is done after the tests. Now drug addicts have started coming to Dr Himanshu on their own. They are provided free medicines from the hospital and their tests are also done free of cost.

3 thousand people became drug free in one year
District Nodal Officer Dr. Himanshu Sharma says that in the rural areas of Dausa, people are addicted to opium, amal, poppy husk, smack and alcohol. Initially, they do it as a hobby but in a few days they become so addicted to it that it becomes difficult to leave it. In a year, 3 thousand people have given up addiction. I am in constant touch with those people who have been successful in giving up addiction after coming to me. There is no limit to their happiness and that of their family. A huge change is visible in their lives.

Tags: Dausa news, health benefits, Local18

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