If you want to keep your stomach healthy, think 10 times before eating these 5 fruits on an empty stomach in the morning, see the list

If you want to keep your stomach healthy, think 10 times before eating these 5 fruits on an empty stomach in the morning, see the list

Worst Fruits in Empty Stomach: During sleep at night, the digestion process continues inside our stomach. For digestion, many types of enzymes keep coming out of our body, with the help of which food breaks down and then nutrients are obtained from the food. Metabolism of these nutrients occurs and energy is produced during metabolism. We do all kinds of work with this energy. When we sleep for a long time at night, the amount of enzymes and acids in our stomach remains very high. Therefore, if whatever we eat in the morning on an empty stomach is of acidic nature, then it will start producing more acid in the stomach, which will cause us great trouble. Therefore, what you eat on an empty stomach in the morning matters a lot. Usually people like to eat fruits in the morning but some fruits can cause problems in your stomach. See the list here.

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