Is there a risk of increased eye pressure due to high blood pressure? How does IOP increase, understand from a doctor

Is there a risk of increased eye pressure due to high blood pressure? How does IOP increase, understand from a doctor

Can High BP Cause Eye Problems: High blood pressure is often considered harmful for the heart and brain. Many people also believe that high blood pressure can increase intraocular pressure, which can lead to a dangerous disease like glaucoma. According to doctors, normal eye pressure is considered normal if it is between 10 and 20 mmHg. If this pressure becomes too high, the optic nerve starts getting damaged and the person becomes permanently blind. However, eye pressure can be controlled through treatment. Now the question is, can high blood pressure really increase eye pressure? Let’s know about this from an ophthalmologist.

Dr Tushar Grover, Medical Director and Ophthalmologist, Vision Eye Centre, Siri Fort, New Delhi, told AnyTV That eye pressure is called intraocular pressure (IOP) in medical language. If a person’s eye pressure increases, then the risk of optic nerve damage increases. Generally, its risk increases with age. If we talk about the connection between blood pressure and eye pressure, then there is no direct link between the two. However, some research has shown that excessive blood pressure can increase the risk of glaucoma.

Dr Grover said that eye pressure can increase due to many reasons. If too much fluid enters the eye or the amount of fluid decreases, it can increase eye pressure. Eye pressure can also increase due to swelling in the middle part of the eyes and pigment dispersion syndrome. Eye pressure can also increase due to tumor inside the eye, large cataract, eye injury due to injury or surgery and some medicines. People do not realize when eye pressure increases, but the optic nerve gradually starts getting damaged. In such a situation, people should get their eye pressure checked every 6 months.

Dr. Tushar told that if the eye pressure increases, then medicines and eye drops are given to control it. If someone has more trouble, then in that condition this pressure is controlled through laser surgery. To prevent the eye pressure from increasing, people should take special care of their eyes. One should take a diet rich in nutrients and do eye exercises. One should get the eye pressure checked from time to time and if it is increased, then treatment should be done immediately.

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