Is your child avoiding studying? Try these methods, he will start topping the class – India TV Hindi

Is your child avoiding studying? Try these methods, he will start topping the class - India TV Hindi

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Best Parenting Tips

Children often avoid studying. Unless parents put pressure on children to study, most children do not sit down to study. If you want to make your child a topper, then you should start following some tips from the beginning of your child’s upbringing. You must include some such things in your child’s routine, due to which the child’s mind will not be distracted while studying.

Must teach meditation

If you want to see your child succeeding not only in studies but also in life, then you must teach your child to meditate. You should include meditation in your child’s routine from the very beginning. With the help of meditation, not only will the child’s focus increase but his memory will also improve. Believe me, because of meditation your child can also top the class.

What should the routine be like?

Parents should not force their children to study all the time. It is very important to maintain a balance of everything from studies to sports in the routine of children. If you force your child to study all the time, he will start running away from studies. Apart from this, ask the child to take short breaks after studying for every hour. In this way, you can make your child friends with studies.

Make studying fun

As parents, you should not advise your children to memorize things just to score high marks. Ask your children to memorize any topic by understanding it. Apart from this, you should try to make your child’s studies fun. Try to give a practical demo of theoretical subjects. With the help of this method, the child will start finding studying interesting.

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