Mobile Tariff: This year again mobile service providing companies can give consumers another shock, according to the report they will increase the recharge rates again!, Mobile Tariff to be costly again calims careage ratings report

New Delhi. Recently, private companies providing mobile services increased the recharge rates by 25%. This affected the pockets of common people, but the matter does not seem to stop here. According to Careage Ratings, private companies providing mobile services may again increase the recharge rates by December this year. This is likely to increase the burden on the pockets of common people.

Mobile call rates and data in India are the cheapest in the world, but companies are constantly increasing their rates. According to CareAge Ratings, mobile service providing companies want to take the average revenue per user (ARPU) to Rs 300. Due to the increase in recharge rates by mobile service providing companies in the past few days, their ARPU increased to Rs 182. According to CareAge Ratings, now mobile service providing companies will once again increase their rates and by doing so will take the ARPU to 220. That means recharge rates are going to increase by about 15% more.

According to the report of CareAge Rating, by December, mobile service providing companies will take the ARPU to Rs 300 by continuously increasing the recharge rates. Actually, mobile service providing companies did not increase its rates much after the launch of 5G technology. Whereas, the companies invested thousands of crores to get the spectrum of 5G. Now they do not want to provide data and calls at cheap rates. In India, the usage of mobile data has increased 4 times in the last 10 years. People do a lot of work through this mobile data. Now data is not just a means of entertainment. Mobile data is also being used for important work including online studies and banking.

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