Mustard oil or olive oil, which is more beneficial? Know which oil is more healthy

Mustard oil or olive oil, which is more beneficial? Know which oil is more healthy

Mustard Oil Vs Olive Oil Benefits: Whether it is seasoning dal or roasting parathas, making vegetables or frying pakoras… oil is a very important thing in cooking. The cooking process without oil cannot be thought of. However, as soon as it comes to losing weight, the first thing we do is to remove or reduce oil from our food. Not only this, gradually westernization has left our traditional food items behind and made its place in Indian kitchens. Like bread has come into our breakfast. At the same time, olive oil is considered healthier than mustard oil in cooking oil. But is olive oil really healthier than mustard oil? Does long-term use of mustard oil cause any diseases? Let us tell you which oil wins in this battle of mustard oil vs olive oil.

Mustard oil has been used in Indian kitchens for centuries. We have been using mustard oil both in cooked and raw forms. But gradually olive oil has made its place in modern kitchens.

Benefits of mustard oil: Mustard oil has been used in Indian food for years. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for bones and heart. Mustard oil contains up to 60% monounsaturated fats (MUFA), while it contains up to 21% polyunsaturated fats (PUFA). Along with this, mustard oil also contains antioxidants and vitamin E. Both of these are very beneficial for the skin. This is the reason why mustard oil has been used for years for massaging the body of children and in many places for applying on hair.

Loss: But mustard oil also has some disadvantages. This oil contains high amount of erucic acid and its excessive use can cause problems. Excessive amount of mustard oil can be harmful for health. It contains polysaccharides which can be harmful for the body in maximum amounts.

Benefits of Olive Oil: Olive oil has found a lot of space in our kitchens in the recent past. It is used as dressing in many types of salads. This oil is very beneficial for heart health because it contains monounsaccharide fats. Olive oil contains about 73% monounsaturated fats (MUFA), while it contains up to 11% polyunsaturated fats (PUFA). These control cholesterol. It is also a good source of vitamin E and antioxidants, which are beneficial for the skin. This is the reason why olive oil is also used on hair and skin.

Loss: But if you use too much olive oil, it can also harm the body. This oil can lose its properties if heated too much.

Which oil is good for cooking?
Mustard oil and olive oil are both good oils, but it depends on the type of food you eat. Olive oil is mostly used in Mediterranean food, while mustard oil may be more suitable for Indian and Asian cuisine. Olive oil is considered good because it contains more MUFA, but when it comes to cooking, it can lose its properties when heated. On the other hand, mustard oil can be said to be better in cooking. That is, if you use both these oils in a moderate amount in your food, then it can prove beneficial for you. You can adopt a good lifestyle by using both these oils in small quantities.

Tags: eat healthy, health benefits

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