Police opened fire after chain snatching! Chaos ensued, top officials arrived

Police opened fire after chain snatching! Chaos ensued, top officials arrived

Patna. Late Friday night in Patna, the capital of Bihar, the police had to open fire to control the angry mob. This entire incident is from Ramakrishna Nagar police station area, where the police started firing after the chain snatching incident. Actually, the accused of chain snatching was caught by the local people in Ramakrishna Nagar area. After this, when the police started taking him with them, a ruckus started between the local people and the police. After this, the police started firing.

According to the local people, chain snatching incidents keep happening every day in the Ramakrishna Nagar police station area. On Friday also, a person was snatched, after which people caught a person on the basis of CCTV footage. During this, the angry crowd started beating a criminal named Chandan. Meanwhile, someone informed the police and the police reached the spot. The angry police again started freeing the chain snatcher and taking him with them. People suspected that the police would release him, then people protested against it and while protesting, they reached the police station.

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