Should antibiotics be taken in case of viral fever or not? Doctor told a shocking thing

Should antibiotics be taken in case of viral fever or not? Doctor told a shocking thing

Viral Fever & Antibiotics: Due to viral infection, people face problems like cold, cough and fever. Viral infection increases in rainy season and it takes about a week to get cured. Many people start taking antibiotics to cure viral fever quickly. Quacks also give antibiotics directly to people when they have fever. People also start taking these medicines without thinking. According to doctors, taking antibiotics in viral fever can cause serious damage to health. This needs to be avoided.

Dr. Sonia Rawat, Director, Preventive Health Department, Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, told AnyTV That viral infection is treated based on symptoms. Paracetamol tablets are given in viral fever. Its dose is given according to body weight. This cures viral fever in a few days. However, sometimes bacterial infection occurs along with viral, then antibiotics are given in that condition. Many symptoms of viral and bacterial infection are similar, due to which confusion can occur. In such a situation, consult a doctor.

Dr. Sonia Rawat said that antibiotics should not be taken in viral fever, because these medicines prove ineffective in this. If people take antibiotics repeatedly for viral fever, then it can cause antibiotic resistance in the body. If the body develops resistance to any antibiotic, then that medicine will not work on that person. This can cause problems in the future. There is a correct way to give antibiotics. In case of mild bacterial infection, antibiotics are given for 3 days. If the infection is severe, then antibiotics are given for 7 days.

Health experts said that in cases of severe bacterial infection, people are given antibiotics for 15 days or more. Apart from this, there are different types of antibiotics and they are given according to the diseases. Many antibiotics do not work on some people and other antibiotics have to be given based on their test report. This is the reason why people should not take antibiotics without consulting a doctor. Taking the wrong medicine can cause serious side effects and the condition can worsen.

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Antibiotic resistance, Health, Lifestyle, viral fever

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