Stress: Stress will take away the complexion of the face and make it ugly…! Old age will start appearing in youth itself, adopt these methods to protect yourself

Stress: Stress will take away the complexion of the face and make it ugly...! Old age will start appearing in youth itself, adopt these methods to protect yourself

Stress Effect On Face: Nowadays, the changing lifestyle is having a profound effect on people’s lives. The fatigue of the day’s workload is breaking a person from within. This is not only deteriorating the physical, but also the mental condition. Problems like acne and swelling can occur on the face due to stress. Apart from this, stress can also have an indirect effect on the face and facial expressions. To get rid of this, it is very important to remain stress-free. Now the question is how does stress take away the glow of your face? Which chemical reactions are the reason? How to get rid of the problem? Government Medical College Kannauj’s doctor is giving information about this to AnyTV. Senior psychiatrist Dr. Vivek Kumar-

Why does stress affect the face?

According to Dr. Vivek Kumar, stress causes chemical reactions like adrenaline and cortisol in the body. In this, adrenaline increases the heartbeat and blood pressure. At the same time, cortisol makes the skin more sensitive. Its maximum effect is seen on the face. High cortisol level causes inflammation in the skin, which can cause problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. In this condition, old age starts showing at an early age.

Easy ways to avoid stress

Don’t let the stress overwhelm you: Do not let stress overpower you in any situation. In such a situation, try not to think about things that can cause stress. Because, the more you think about stress, the more the problem can increase. For this, it is important to keep yourself busy in your favorite activities.

Do what you love: To avoid getting stressed, spend more time in your favourite activities. Doing this relaxes the mind and doing what you like brings a feel good factor. Apart from this, do not let too many things and useless things accumulate in the house. This also makes you feel good.

Do yoga-meditation: If you want to avoid stress, then take out some time for yoga or meditation in your routine. Apart from this, you can read your favorite spiritual books or watch videos. Apart from this, drink tea, coffee, green tea or a drink of your choice during the day. Go for a walk or exercise in the morning or evening whenever you get time.

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Tags: health benefits, health tips, Lifestyle

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