The country is watching very closely… PM Modi’s advice to the opposition before the budget session

The country is watching very closely... PM Modi's advice to the opposition before the budget session

New Delhi: The budget session of the Parliament has started today (22 July). Before the proceedings of the Parliament started, PM Modi addressed the media. During this, he said, Namaste friends, today is the first Monday of Sawan. An important session is being started on this holy day. And on this first Monday of Sawan, I wish the countrymen all the best. Let’s read the 5 big points of PM Modi’s address…

PM Modi said that the Monsoon Session of Parliament is also starting today. The country is watching very closely that this session of Parliament should be positive, constructive and should lay a strong foundation to fulfil the dreams of the countrymen.

PM Modi further said that personally, it is a matter of immense pride for me as well as for all our colleagues that after nearly 60 years, a government has come back for the third time and is getting the privilege of presenting the first budget of the third term. The country is seeing this as a very dignified event of the glorious journey of Indian democracy.

Prime Minister Modi further said that I have the privilege of presenting the first budget of my third term. The country is seeing this as a very dignified journey of the glory of Indian democracy. This is the budget session. We are moving ahead with the goal of realizing the guarantees that I have been giving to the countrymen. This is an important budget of Amritkaal. This will also determine the direction of the next 5 years and we will come before the country tomorrow with a strong foundation to fulfill the dream of 2047.

PM Modi said that it is a matter of pride for every citizen that India is the fastest developing country. We are moving ahead with a growth rate of 8 percent. Today there is a positive outlook. There is a peak of opportunity in the country. This in itself is an important milestone in India’s development journey.

PM Modi further said, I would like to request all the MPs of the country that since last January, we have fought as many battles as we had the capability to, told everything to the public. Some tried to show the way, some tried to mislead, that era is now over, the countrymen have given their decision, now it is the duty of all the elected MPs, the responsibility of all the political parties that we have fought as many battles as we had to fight for the party, now for the next 5 years we have to fight for the country, live for the country. We have to fight with one more noble attitude. I would also like to ask all the political parties that let us rise above party lines and dedicate ourselves only to the country and use this dignified platform of the Parliament for the next four and a half years. January 2029 will be the year of elections, after that you can go to the field and use the House, play whatever game you want to play for 6 months, but till then a mass movement of public participation will have to be created to give strength to the country and the poor and farmers, youth, women of the country for their strength.

FIRST PUBLISHED : July 22, 2024, 11:40 IST

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