The glow of the face has been lost in monsoon, adopt this skin care routine – AnyTV News

The glow of the face has been lost in monsoon, adopt this skin care routine - India TV Hindi

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Monsoon Skincare Routine

As soon as the rainy season begins, skin related problems start arising. If you also want to make your skin flawless, then you need to pay attention to some things in your skin care routine. To bring back the lost glow of your face and get rid of skin related problems, you should also follow the monsoon skin care routine.

Cleanser and toner are a must

During monsoon, you must use cleanser and toner on your skin. Keep in mind that you should not buy poor quality cleanser and toner in the pursuit of cheapness. To avoid skin related problems, you should use good quality cleanser and toner.

Mask will prove effective

Make masks a part of your skin care routine because applying masks cleans the dirt present on your skin. If you want to make your skin naturally glowing, then you should use natural face masks made at home. Using chemical free masks can protect your skin from the side effects of chemicals.

Don’t forget to apply moisturizer

In this humid weather, you must apply moisturizer on your skin. While buying moisturizer, you must keep your skin type in mind. In monsoon, gel or water based moisturizer can prove to be a good option for your skin.

Use sunscreen

If you also think that sunscreen should be used only in harsh sunlight, then you should clear this misconception. To protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun in this season, you should buy a sunscreen with SPF more than 40.

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