The key to get votes is missing… A big BJP leader from Bengal cornered his own party, said- If you ask me, I will tell you the situation

The key to get votes is missing... A big BJP leader from Bengal cornered his own party, said- If you ask me, I will tell you the situation

Ever since the BJP has come to power in West Bengal, strange statements of party leaders are coming to the fore. A few days ago, Shubhendu Adhikari had said that the party should end the minority front. We do not want ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’. He gave a new slogan, ‘Vikaas only for those who are with us’. Now, going a step ahead of him, former Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh said, the party knows how to run a movement, but has lost the key to conducting elections and getting votes for its candidates.

Dilip Ghosh said, ‘If the top leadership of the party wants to listen to my opinion, then I am ready to tell them. The top leadership of BJP definitely knows how to build an organization. They know how to start a movement, but we do not know about election campaign. We do not know how to get votes for the party. It seems that we have lost the key or formula to get votes to win seats.’

Defeated in Lok Sabha elections
Ghosh’s remarks came after the party’s poor performance in the Lok Sabha elections in the state this year. The BJP won only 12 out of 42 Lok Sabha seats. Whereas in 2019 it had got 6 seats more. Dilip Ghosh himself lost the election. Addressing the party workers, Ghosh said, we had set a target of crossing the 100 mark in the 2021 assembly elections, although we won 77 seats. But our expectations were not fulfilled. Whenever the party asks, I give my opinion. It is the job of the leadership to take action on my suggestions.

Never cut off from BJP workers
Former Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh said, we have never been cut off from BJP workers at the grassroots level. Because they are facing the terror of TMC during and after the elections. Ghosh has been a pracharak of RSS. In 2014, the party made him general secretary and in 2015, he was made the president of the West Bengal unit. But in the last Lok Sabha elections, Kirti Azad defeated him by a huge margin. Then he accused a section of the BJP of conspiring against him. From his statements, it seems that he is somewhat angry with the party.

Tags: BJP, Dilip Ghosh, West Bengal BJP

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