The risk of this serious disease is increasing in women, it can deprive them of the happiness of having children

The risk of this serious disease is increasing in women, it can deprive them of the happiness of having children

All about Fibroids: Muscle knots form in the uterus of women, which are called fibroids or rasauli. This problem affects about 30 percent of women and many times it hinders the happiness of having children. If this problem is treated by getting an ultrasound done at the right time, then women can get relief from the problems. A large number of women ignore this problem, but this should not be done and if its symptoms are seen, one should consult a doctor.

Dr Meenakshi Ahuja, Senior Director, Gynaecology Department, Fortis La Femme Hospital, New Delhi, told AnyTV That muscle lumps form in the uterus of women, which are called fibroids. It is also commonly called a cyst. The cyst can be inside the uterus or outside the wall. One in every 3 women has fibroids in the uterus. In today’s times, the possibility of cyst increases due to poor lifestyle, lack of physical activity and delaying children. Many people deliberately do not want to have children, which increases the risk of fibroids.

According to Dr. Meenakshi, the position of the fibroid matters more than its size. If the position is inside the cavity, then it should be treated soon. If the woman is having very heavy periods or periods are occurring too frequently, then these can be symptoms of fibroids. If the size of the fibroid is 4-5 centimeters and no symptoms are visible, then treatment is still necessary. These fibroids can grow with time. To avoid this, it is necessary to get treatment in time. Normally women’s periods should last for 3-5 days, but due to fibroids, periods can last for 8-10 days. This can cause anemia. Fibroids can cause infertility and there can be problems in conceiving a pregnancy.

Dr Priya Bansal, Consultant Gynae & Onco Surgery, Fortis Hospital, Greater Noida, told AnyTV That not all fibroids require surgery. Uterine fibroids are one of the most common benign tumors of the female reproductive system, occurring in 20-30% of women. Women aged 30-50 years are at higher risk. Fibroids often present with symptoms such as heavy periods, pelvic pain, frequent urination and constipation. The exact cause of fibroids is still unclear, but there are several risk factors. Not all fibroids cause problems for women. Those that cause problems require treatment.

Dr Priya said that non-surgical and surgical treatments are available for fibroids. Uterine artery embolization is a radiological procedure that closes the blood vessels of fibroids. This prevents them from increasing in size. Robotic/laparoscopic myomectomy removes fibroids while preserving the uterus. In many cases, women’s uterus has to be removed through robotic/laparoscopic hysterectomy. In today’s era, laparoscopic or robotic surgery can be done for fibroids through advanced technology.

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Tags: health, Lifestyle, Trending news

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