There is a strong smell coming from the wash basin in the bathroom, do this remedy immediately, the washroom will start smelling good – AnyTV News

There is a strong smell coming from the wash basin in the bathroom, do this remedy immediately, the washroom will start smelling good - India TV Hindi

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Cleaning the Washroom

Often when the sink in the bathroom starts overflowing or some food starts rotting in the pipe, a foul smell starts coming. Many times the smell does not go away even after cleaning the bathroom. A strong smell also comes from the wash basin in the washroom. The reason for this can also be the dirt accumulated in the pipe of the wash basin. Which can cause a bad smell. Today we are telling you some home remedies by which you can remove the smell coming from the wash basin. By adopting these bathroom cleaning hacks, the foul smell of the bathroom will be reduced.

How to remove the bad smell from wash basin and bathroom?

  1. Baking soda and salt- Baking soda and salt are used for cleaning. For this, mix 1/4 cup salt in 1/2 cup baking soda. Now pour it in the wash basin and spread it near the pipe. Pour 1 cup of hot distilled white vinegar over it. Now after 15 minutes, pour hot water in the basin. Pour water with a little pressure. This will remove the dirt accumulated in the drain of the bathroom basin and the smell will stop.

  2. Naphthalene Balls- If there is a lot of bad smell, you can put some naphthalene balls in the wash basin. These balls do not dissolve quickly in water and can also get rid of the smell coming from the bathroom. This also helps in removing insects and rotting food in the drain of the wash basin. You can put these balls either openly or by putting them in a plastic net. This will remove the bad smell.

  3. white vinegar- White vinegar can be used to remove the odor coming from the bathroom and basin. For this, take half a cup of white vinegar and pour it into the drain of the wash basin. Leave it like this for half an hour and then pour hot water into the hose. This will clean all the dirt accumulated in the basin pipe and the odor will also go away.

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