This fruit is ‘nectar’ for the body in rainy season, a panacea for diabetes, once you eat it you will keep counting the benefits

This fruit is 'nectar' for the body in rainy season, a panacea for diabetes, once you eat it you will keep counting the benefits

Bharatpur. Monsoon season has arrived and seasonal fruits are now visible in the markets. It is very important to stay healthy in monsoon, and for this it is very important to pay attention to your diet. Because many types of infections and diseases start increasing in this season. In such a situation, you should include seasonal fruits in your diet in this season which will keep you away from diseases in the rain. One of these special fruits is pear. This fruit is rich in many nutrients. It contains vitamin-C, potassium, folate, copper, manganese in very high quantities. Consuming this fruit is very beneficial for our body.

Senior Ayurvedic doctor Chandra Prakash Dixit says that now with the change in season, seasonal fruits are also appearing in the market in large quantities. These seasonal fruits are very beneficial for the body. Because eating these fruits according to the season is very good for the body. If we talk about pear, then this fruit is full of many nutrients. Which is very good and beneficial for our body. It contains many such nutrients. Which contribute in curing various diseases of the body. Therefore, we must consume this fruit.

This fruit is a panacea for diabetes patients
Dr Dixit says that we should definitely include this fruit in our diet, apart from this, if we eat this fruit in season, then it is very beneficial for our body. Consuming this pear fruit cures diseases in the body such as reducing inflammation of the body, keeping the digestive system healthy, reducing weight, apart from this, this fruit is very good for diabetes patients. Apart from this, this fruit cures many other diseases in the body. Therefore, we must consume this fruit.

Tags: health news, Local18, Rajasthan news

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